A handy guide for those who are just curious or experiencing a morph themselves
Morphed Axolotls & Axolotl Hybrids
Available now for adoption
Here you will find all of the salamanders available for adoption through Salamander With A Sign's rescue. All of the animals shown here have been rescued or surrendered willingly by their owners. All of the animals here have been rehabilitated and are ready to go to their new homes.
We prioritize relocation to zoos and educational programs including social media channels with experience handling and caring for other salamanders in the Ambystoma family. However, experienced pet homes are also welcome to apply.
Approved homes will be asked to pay a $60 adoption fee + the cost of overnight shipping including heat or cold packs if necessary.
Salamanders are shipped Monday-Wednesday, weather permitting.

Meet Your Manders
We currently have a number of young blotched tiger salamanders available from an April rescue. They will not be confirmed as male or female until they either show as obvious males or reach 18 months and still look female.
On a similar note, we highly advise adopters not to put too much thought into what "color" they are choosing. These salamanders have only just morphed. Their coloring will continue to change and develop over the next few months. In 3-4 months time they might look completely different.